About me.

I'm currently in first year of my Master in Computer Science Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. I have great interest in Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.

I'm passionate about solving problems of any kind, I'm very well organized, dynamic and adaptable. I'm looking for new working opportunities. My goal for now is to grow and learn professionally.

Outside of university, I'm interested in travel, explore & photography. I also enjoy play video games, watch tv series and reading lot of books.

Send me a message if you want to link up!


What I'm
intrested in


What amazes me about AI is the infite possibility that it holds: this technology is reshaping the way we live and work, promising an increasingly connected and intelligent future that can enhance and simplify virtually every aspect of our daily lives.

It is something that has always stimulated man's curiosity and imagination, just think of futuristic and utopian films and books, and which in recent years is becoming reality.


In an increasingly connected world, I think that the topic of information security must be fundamental in every company that deals with managing user data and information.

It is a matter that concerns me personally, as a consumer, and of which I would like to learn more about the IT side.

Front-end development and web design

I have a strong proficiency in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, allowing me to create visually appealing and interactive web designs with responsive user interfaces.

I'm passionate about web design because it lets me express my creativity, turning imaginative ideas into visually appealing online experiences.